useless to fill the cup is "full"

A correct answer would be valuable if given to a pure question. The problem is often the question is used not for answers, but as an inducement to argue. Yes .. as glasses filled with the thought that "idealist" still needed or can be filled with the "flow" of thinking to another. Redundant. Useless. Vexation. In my opinion a good dialogue, but if it ends sophist passable avoided.


In James 1:21, the word should be accepted with a gentle, embedded "in the heart of the fertile soil" is not in favor of the heat. A teacher, too, everything is done with love.


? Avoid questions that sought, stupid and not worth it. You know that the problems that give rise to contention, while a servant of the Lord must not quarrel, but must be friendly to everyone. He must be qualified to teach, patiently and gently to guide people who like to fight, because God may perhaps grant them repentance leading them so that they know the truth, (2Tim.2:


If the Word of God is very valuable to you, do not ever like throwing gold into the mud.


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